Peter Fiekowsky - Chairman
Entrepreneur committed to leaving a world we're proud of for our children. Founder of initiatives for climate restoration: Healthy Climate Alliance, Foundation for Climate Restoration. Founder and president of AVI LLC. Board member of Zynergy (formerly Repower Capital) Inc. MIT physicist with 27 patents.
Peter is an expert at identifying and specifying intended outcomes so that pathways to success are quickly identified and effective, committed teams are assembled that achieve them. He connects experts and organizations that contribute to major initiatives from a variety of angles, and he supports them in working collaboratively and constructively towards common goals.
Peter’s current focus is on restoring a healthy climate for our children. The Healthy Climate Alliance serves as a hub to connect and support key communities--notably faith and spiritual communities, policy and government, and science and research--allowing them to enable each other’s progress towards restoring a healthy climate.


Kristina Kincaid - Vice Chairwoman
Kristina Kincaid - Vice Chairwoman
Dr. Kristina Kincaid is an Anthropologist, Theologian, Master Embodiment Practitioner, Relationship and Sexuality Teacher, Speaker and Author.
She holds an MA and a Doctorate in Theology and Energy Medicine from Holos University. A graduate of the Institute of Core Energetics and the prestigious Barbara Brennan School of Healing, Kristina also earned a BA in Anthropology from the University of Texas, Austin.
Dr. Kincaid is known for her transformative work around sexuality, personal growth and intimate relationship with self and other through the body.
Kristina has traveled the world studying with powerful Healers of our
time- from the most primitive to the most advanced, cultivating an extensive background of bodywork and energy healing rooted in science. Her passions include the mysteries of the body.Her own personal healing journey has taken her into deep explorations of healing around sexuality.
Kristina’s personal mission is to teach conscious relating that is an affront to shame and guilt. Her commitment is to spark a movement of embodied practice that empowers women and men to take responsibility for their own arousal and desire resulting in the full liberation and reclamation of their true potency and power.
Dr. Kincaid is also the Director of The Institute of Integral Evolutionary Tantra in New York City, an affiliate division of the Center for Integral Wisdom (CIW). CIW is a nonprofit organization co-founded in 2010 by Marc Gafni, Ken Wilber, Sally Kempton, Lori Galperin, and a leadership team that has expanded to dozens of the most respected spiritual teachers, leaders, authors and activists in the world, including Barbara Marx Hubbard, Howard Bloom, and Warren Farrell, CIW is a think tank, which is articulating and advancing a movement that is evolving the source code of human existence.
She is the co-author, along with Dr. Marc Gafni of ‘A Return To Eros: On Sex, Love and Living Erotically In Every Dimension Of Your Life’ published, August of 2017. The next series in process is a twelve volume magnum opus to Eros titled 'The New Phenomenology of Eros' co-authored with Dr. Gafni and Gabrielle Anwar to be published in the fall of 2020 throughout 2021. Also in process is ‘Sexually Incorrect: The Seven Levels of Sexing, A Radically Awake, Alive and Erotic Guide To The Sexual’ is to be published in the spring of 2021.

Dr. Marc Gafni - Director
A visionary thinker, social activist, passionate philosopher, and author of over a dozen seminal books, Gafni earned his doctorate in philosophy
from Oxford University. One cultural critic described Gafni as “a cross between Einstein, Da Vinci and Rumi, with a dash of Robin Williams” working at the cutting edge of the New Narrative, collaborating with
a team of thinkers articulating a new vision of meaning for the world. Gafni thinks in highly complex terms by speaks simply and directly”.
Gafni is playing a pivotal role in evolving a new ‘dharma,’ or meta-theory of meaning overflowing with heart - a new set of distinctions, that is helping to re-shape key pivoting points in global consciousness and culture.
He is the co-founder of The Center for Integral Wisdom and as co-chair for the Foundation for Conscious Evolution. The Center is a leading activist think tank dedicated to articulating a practical politics of evolutionary love, and to catalyzing an emergent personal and global vision of ethics, Eros and
meaning. He is the co-founder of the Integral Evolutionary Tantra Institute and the Outrageous
Love Project.
A lineage holder in Bible, Talmud, and Kabbalah, Gafni self-describes as a “citizen” of both the new
lineage of World Spirituality even as he has remained loyal to the classical lineage practices in
which he was raised.
Gafni has initiated multiple leading edge visionary programs including writing and hosting the leading
National Television show on Ethics and Spirit in the middle east, and co- initiated the Success 3.0 Summit with John Mackey and Kate Maloney whose method and movement was to bring together key thought leaders and change-agents to collaboratively evolve a bold new Integral vision of Success, rooted in the entrepreneurial values of Wake Up, Grow Up, Show Up, and Evolutionary Love.
Learn more about Dr. Gafni’s teaching at
www.marcgafni.com, and WhoIsMarcGafni.com
Marc shares about the future of the Foundation after Barbara Marx Hubbard's transition in spring 2019
(Video 2020, also shown on Homepage)
Marc is the Author of:
Return to Eros (co-authored with Kristina Kincaid)
Your Unique Self
Self in Integral Evolutionary Mysticism: Two Models and Why They Matter
Radical Kabbalah, Book 1: Enlightenment Teaching of Unique Self, Non-dual Humanism and the Wisdom of Solomon:
Great Teaching of Ethics and Eros from Mordechai Lainer of Izbica
Radical Kabbalah, Book 2: The Wisdom of Solomon as the Matrix of the Enlightenment Teaching of Non-dual Acosmic Humanism and Unique Self
The Journal of Integral Theory & Practice
Loving Your Way to Enlightenment
Tears: Reclaiming Ritual, Integral Religion and Rosh Hashanah
Lillith: Re-reading Feminine Shadow (Hebrew version co-authored by Ohad Ezrahi)
The Mystery of Love
Soul Prints – Your Path to Fulfillment

Barbara Marx Hubbard (Dec. 22, 1929 - Apr. 10, 2019)
Barbara is founder of The Foundation for Conscious Evolution, she authored nine books.
She was a social innovator, speaker and teacher of many thousand students on the theme of the New Evolutionary Story and The Sacred Journey of the Conscious Evolutionary.
She helped introduce the worldview of conscious evolution into the world, calling this an epic evolutionary shift from Homo sapiens sapiens toward Homo universalis, a new human and a new world.
She was the co-Chair of The Center for Integral Wisdom as well of the Foundation for Conscious Evolution. Together these two sister organizations are working to develop a Great Library of books, including teachings and works that evolve the source code of our culture.
They co-created the first Church of Evolutionary Love to enhance the evolution of love in the world, available every Saturday from 9- 10 Pacific Time.
She was a co-founder of the World Future Society, the Association for
Global New Thought, The Club of Budapest, the Evolutionary Leaders, and is co-chair of The Foundation for Conscious Evolution.
In 1984 her name was placed in nomination for the Vice Presidency on the Democratic ticket proposing an Office for the Future to map, track, connect and communicate what is working and a Peace Room as sophisticated as a war room in the office of the vice presidency.
In the early 80’s she was an active Soviet-American Citizen Diplomat, working with Rama Vernon to hold Soviet-American Citizen conferences in Moscow and in Washington D.C. using the SYNCON conference format.
In the 1970’s she formed the Committee for the Future in Washington D.C. and she co-invented the SYNCON PROCESS developing a new social process moving towarda more synergistic democracy to seek common goals and match needs with resources The SYNCONS were held, with many different types of groups, including gang leaders from Los Angeles, space scientists from Huntsville, and students at Southern Illinois University to examine a new global goal to build new worlds on Earth, new worlds in Space, new worlds in the Human Mind.
She has worked closely with Catholic sisters to bring forth her view of the evolutionary approach to the New Testament, recorded in her book “The Evolutionary Testament: The Promise will be Kept. “She is advocating the rise of Evolutionary Women and Evolutionary Men joining genius to evolve each other and the world. At the time of her death on the evening of April 10th, 2019, she had five children, eight grandchildren and three great grandchildren.
Barbara is the Author of:
The Hunger of Eve: One Woman’s Odyssey toward the Future
The Evolutionary Journey: Your Guide to a Positive Future
Revelation: Our Crisis is a Birth
The Evolutionary Testament of Co-Creation: The Promise Will Be Kept
Emergence: The Shift from Ego to Essence
Evolutionary Synthesis: New Memes for the New Millennia
Conscious Evolution: Awakening the Power of Our Social Potential
52 Codes for Conscious Self Evolution
Birth 2012 and Beyond: Humanity’s Great Shift to the Age of Conscious Evolution