Step into a Life of Evolutionary Love!
Creating the New Culture Together

Barbara Marx Hubbard's Last Great Gift to Humanity
Now Available:

with Barbara Marx Hubbard and Dr. Marc Gafni
Twelve deep discussions - PLUS amazing bonuses - about the most pressing issues of our time and what we have the response-ability to do now if we want to affect the trajectory of the future for ourselves, humanity and our planet.
Take a guided journey to the leading edge of human evolution, gain the insights and tools to become your own unique story of outrageous love.
Together, we will...
Recognize and accept the invitation to chart a new future.
Engage the attractive forces of Clarified Desire and Allurement to guide us.
Follow OUTRAGEOUS LOVE through OUTRAGEOUS PAIN to discover the new narratives of identity, love, intimacy, desire, power, and community that we need so desperately to guide us.
Learn to play our Instruments in the Unique Self Symphony of life.
Quit the quest for purpose in life and live a life that is self-evidently meaningful.
Articulate a new vision of community equal to our potential as a species.