Barbara Marx Hubbard & Dr. Marc Gafni Present...
"It is the feeling that you are called, not only for yourself and your own gain, but by a greater impulse within you. When that impulse turns on, you get excited, animated, aroused."
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Vocational Arousal
The Transformative Power of Your Creative Genius
Tapping into your heart’s greatest desire and what that means for you and humanity as a whole.
How the creative force is an erotic force for good.
What it means to “join genius” and tell a new story.
Why we are all compelled to find our unique vocation.
About Barbara Marx Hubbards
Barbara Marx Hubbard has been called “the voice for conscious evolution of our time,” by Deepak Chopra. She is the subject of Neale Donald Walsh’s book “The Mother of Invention.”
A prolific author of 9 books, visionary social innovator and educator she is co-founder and co-chair of The Foundation for Conscious Evolution, and president of Evolutionary Academy.
During 2017 to 2018 she is producing a year long global intensive: “Awaken the Species” with Humanity’s Team and Steve Farrell (
She is Co-Chair of the Center of Integral Wisdom and is writing three books with the Center President Marc Gafni to Evolve the Source Code of our Culture.
She is a co-founder of The Association for New Thought (AGNT), the World Future Society, and a member of the Club of Budapest.

About Dr. Marc Gafni
A visionary thinker, social activist, passionate philosopher, and author of over a dozen seminal books, Gafni earned his doctorate in philosophy from Oxford University. One cultural critic described Gafni as “a cross between Einstein, Da Vinci and Rumi, with a dash of Robin Williams” working at the cutting edge of the New Narrative, collaborating with a team of thinkers articulating a new vision of meaning for the world.
Gafni is playing a pivotal role in evolving a new ‘dharma,’ or meta-theory of meaning overflowing with heart – a new set of distinctions, that is helping to re-shape key pivoting points in global consciousness and culture.
He is the co-founder of The Center for Integral Wisdom and as co-chair for the Foundation for Conscious Evolution, leading activist think tanka dedicated to articulating a practical politics of evolutionary love, and to catalyzing an emergent personal and global vision of ethics, Eros and meaning.